by sidecharger | Nov 24, 2022 | Financial & Business
Patents & Trademarks [Problems protecting your intellectual property] Patents & Trademarks [Problems protecting your intellectual property] Lessons learned over the years that could have saved thousands of dollars and a lot of time What do I do now? I got an...
by sidecharger | Nov 19, 2022 | News & Info
Service Benefits Consulting Service Connected? [You might not be getting the most out of your benefits] The veteran consulting group is? doing some good things to help you get the most out of your benefits and the benefits you deserve. My Disclaimer First...
by sidecharger | Nov 7, 2022 | GIVEAWAYS
[ENDED] November GIVEAWAY #1- Thank you all who entered!! November Giveaway #1 from SIDEcharger! Pure Silver!! Ends November 14, 2022 at 5:00pm EST Winner will be notified by email Join the Family... Subscribe Share this...
by sidecharger | Nov 2, 2022 | Hard Charger
Fill Tags with an AR? [Improve your AR-15 hunting experience] Do You Fill Tags with an AR-15? The Devil Dog Concepts Hard Charger® system can greatly improve your hunting experience with an AR-15 Platform rifle. Do you Hunt with a Scope on your AR-15? If you are an...
by sidecharger | Oct 30, 2022 | Products & Gear
Advanced Armorers Wrench [Game Changer for the AR-15 Armorer] Sick and tired of having your AR wrench slide off the barrel nut and shred off some teeth?! Wish there was something better? Something designed to actually work on those extremely difficult barrel nuts...