Take Control of Your Finances Part 1 [Stop worrying and barely staying afloat]

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Take Control of Your Finances Part 1 [Stop worrying and barely staying afloat]

Get the process, strategy and system that can change your financial life, which can lead to just a better life overall.

What’s your cashflow (money left over after all the monthly bills are paid)?

What’s your total monthly bills (liabilities)?

What’s your total debt?

What’s your total assets?

Are you headed in the right direction with your finances that you want to go?

Do you feel like maybe you’re just staying afloat?

Scared, nervous, constantly on your mind?  Worried about the next big bill that comes through and how you’re going to handle it?

It’s every day life of the every day person.  School didn’t teach you crap about financial planning and strategy.  Most of us don’t have a clue about other than balance your check book, try to save some money and don’t spend more than you make.  Woohoo, look at me, I’m adulting!!  This sucks ass!!  I never feel like I’m in control of my own finances.  The stuff I work for everyday I should be in complete control of.  Why don’t I know every bit of it and be able to use it to my advantage? … But, how?

What I have learned and developed over the years has changed everything for me and my family and quite a few others that have adopted the strategy.  Note; great thing is you can tailor it to you, and you’re life and wants.

It became the foundation that everything is built on in my financial and even personal life.  Disclaimer – I am not a financial planner, hold no certifications in any of that, barely graduated high school, became a Marine and a Police Officer (so you know I can’t be too bright), but I did have a few inventions, built a few businesses, made a few bucks, learned a ton (still learning), and spent years working on this strategy.  This system is something I developed over years to make it a very simple process to take complete control of your finances, reduce liabilities, increase cashflow, position yourself so when the unforeseen happens you have no worries, position yourself to be able to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves, and all around just relieve all that stress and worry.  And, do it in a way that is simple, structured, and strategic.

This isn’t a set yourself up for retirement and the long-term planning.  This is a “Put into action now and see results plan.”

Just keep in mind, that this is not designed for you to go out and try to find ways to make more money or buy assets and get passive income.  This can help set you up to go do those things.  But, that is not what this is designed to do.  This is designed so you don’t have to go make more money to get your life in a better financial position.  Make the same – just learn how to control and adjust your liabilities to reduce that monthly total and increase your cashflow.  This is all about cashflow and control through strategy and positioning.

The main part: have a financial statement.  It is your personal report card that you update constantly to see and control your position.  A financial statement with expense monitoring and the use of a simple credit card strategy can change your world forever!  It’s easier than you think, and once you do it, you’ll be like the rest of us – pissed that we never knew it sooner!!

Here’s it what you need. Click the link and get the free download.  Instructions on how this system works are right on this financial statement and strategy.

What you will need to know:

  • Monthly bills due: how much and when they go out
  • Monthly income
  • Credit cards: interest rates, limits, total balance due, monthly payments
  • Loans and other liabilities: interest rates, balance due
  • Assets: cash, savings, valuables, etc

You will also need to read Part 2 of the Take Control of Your Finances; The Credit Card strategy

Part 2 is vital to the strategy of getting control of your finances!

Part 3 will be coming out soon about which debts to attack first and other strategy ideas that help with the foundation needed for positioning to be able to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves.  Key to what I have discovered – It is NOT about paying of debt and becoming debt free.  It is about position, cashflow, planning, and strategy.

Be honest with yourself, keep up with the strategy and watch your world change.

Without a plan, you can’t control your situation.  Without a strategy, you can’t have a plan.

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Semper Fi

Camaron Hillman; Pres / CEO Devil Dog Concepts 

Devil Dog Concepts

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